Saturday, March 18, 2023

Josh Heupel football run game-Gap Schemes Counter, Wrap, Dart and Lead

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Josh Heupel has run some high powered offenses over the years. They put up big numbers in 2019 with 41 points per game and 2020 with 42.2 points per game. In 2022 his Tennessee offense was exciting to watch.putting up 44.5 points per game. 

The Tennessee offense is premised on a few concepts:

1. Play fast-They play at the fastest speed possible with their high powered offense.

2. Spread you out-They spread teams out more than any team I've seen with their formations, many outside the numbers. This opens up some numbers under neath. This can lead to light boxes because teams are so worried about stopping the passing game.

3. Utilization of stack alignments- These stack alignments are often utilized to cause confusion, run screens but also open up running lanes by gaining numbers. 

3. Vertical Passing Game- They really take some deep shots in the vertical passing game. They will take shots and led the country in pass plays of 30 + yards.

4. Take advantage of what the defense gives you. If  a soft box, run. If they try to get another hat in the box throw the football. 

These are some of the key components.


Let's look at some UCF film and how he attacked some odd fronts in the run game. You will see some wrap, counter, dart, with some zone schemes as part of the package. They also use the qb in the run game with those schemes. 

Odd fronts

Wrap schemes

Vs Tulsa they would get an odd broken 3-2 look with 3 safeties. The defense set the front to the twins side and played a 4i away from the back.

Vs the odd front 
PST down block on 4i
PSG down on the Nose
Center pull and fold for near lb
BSG pull and block back side lb
H lead and block the alley defender

Odd front #2 3-3 with 3 safeties 4 man box. Heupel spreads them out to the sideline.Flexes TE to the field 2x2

Wildcat version of qb counter 

They run the counter and do an excellent job with the rb leading for the qb on the counter. Nice job of lead counter.  Again, look how they have 2 players outside the numbers and the light box it creates.

Blocking Rules:

PST block the 4i de

PSG block the Nose

 center pull  

backside guard

backside tackle- block the defensive end

You can see the center and backside guard pulling. Tackle does a good job on the DE

VS Tite Front 

Tackle Trap-They run tackle wrap but also can switch it to G wrap depending on whether their s a 3 technique or 2i on the backside.

They go 3x1 and run tackle trap.

PST and PSG double the 4i to LB

Center-solo on the nose

BSG blocks the 4i 

BST pull and kick out the force OLB

Tite #2 
G Wrap
G wrap vs the 3-2 front
PST-Block the 4i
PSG- Combo to LB 
Center-Solo on nose
BST-Block the DE
QB-read the overhang

Nice job and easy play vs Missouri

4-2 front
Often you will see the dart play vs the 4-2  front as well as counter.
Here's how they attack offensively  vs 4-2 front.
They change the scheme vs a 4-2 front. They also run jet motion which vacates the middle of the field. They are a shoestring tackle away from a td.
They run their counter scheme.

PST- Shade or 2i
Center-block back
BSG-Pull and Kickout
T- Block the de
H back-lead on the play side LB

Here is tackle dart with a read component. They run the dart with a 3 technique to the side of the pulling tackle.

The plays are simple but notice the 3 technique to the side of the rt. The rt is the puller.
RG-blocks the 3 tech
C-combo 2i to off lb
LG- 2i
LT- solid on DE

Another play they will often run is lead at the 2i. They usually bring the h back across to the other side when they run it.
They can block it up vs a 4-2 or a 3-2 defense. Easy play to run vs either defense.
vs 4-2, here is the scheme.

vs-3-2 most teams will put a LB to the side of the h back like below. Some will play the tite front with 2 4i's and others will play 2 5 techniques. 

Clips vs 3-2 odd front

Hope you enjoyed the analysis of Josh Heupel and his offense. 

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